The Kensington Fire Protection District (KFPD) provides reimbursement funds after removing
hazardous plants/debris from Kensington properties to reduce fire loads around properties to
help protect your home, your neighbors’ homes, and the entire community.
This reimbursement grant program encourages the removal of flammable plants near homes and
near streets that will be used in the event of evacuation. Within each awarded grant, each property can be reimbursed for up to $2,000 based on available funding budgeted for this puprose.
Projects will be rated and prioritized based on the following criteria:
(A) Hazardous Vegetation Types
Removal of highly flammable plants such as bamboo, juniper, eucalyptus, and other species listed on the KFPD Plant List under Highly Flammable Plants. This list is found by visiting
(B) Proximity to Structures and Roadway
Hazardous vegetation removal preferably should be within 30 feet of the residence or 10 feet from roadways.
(C) Number of Participants Working Together
Preference will be for projects with 3 or more properties. Reach out to your neighbors and apply together. Designate a Neighborhood Lead to submit the application.
1: One person (Neighborhood Lead) coordinates documentation and project progress on behalf of neighboring properties participating in the grant application. The applications will identify the participating properties by address and describe the removal work to be performed at each property including cost estimates for the work and photos of the existing conditions.
2: Applications will be reviewed by a committee associated with the KFPD based on a scored rating system, recommendations for grant awards will be forwarded to the KFPD for District Board approval at a regular Board Meeting.
3. Once awarded, the Neighborhood Lead will coordinate the completion of the work and submit final paid invoices to the KFPD for reimbursement. ** REMOVAL WORK COMPLETED PRIOR TO GRANT AWARD IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT**
Click here to fill out an online application.
Click below to download the application form.
Hazardous Vegetation Removal Porgram Overview.pdf
Contact with any questions.